Let’s talk about Facebook. In today’s marketing world, you absolutely can’t afford to avoid the world’s largest social media platform. Here to discuss Facebook and its advertising platform is internet marketer extraordinaire Taki Moore. Taki teaches coaches how to completely revamp their internet marketing from their sales funnels to lead magnets and webinars. Today, Taki dives in to the deep end of Facebook Ads and discusses his secrets to maximizing your conversions. Listen in to learn some amazing tips.

Welcome, Taki! First question – how do you use Facebook ads? Are you using newsfeed ads, sidebar ads, retargeting –
We use predominantly newsfeed ads with some re-targeting. Some is right-hand sidebar stuff, but mostly its newsfeed link post ads.
Okay, and Why is that?
The main reason for me is that eyeballs are on the newsfeed. People have been trained to ignore the other stuff. You can actually get great click-through rates on the right-hand side, but the newsfeed shows up better on mobile. I’m pushing people towards content, so it just makes more sense that way.
What kind of content are you pushing them to? What works the best?
Sometimes we use newsfeed ads to promote blog content to create engagement. But most of the time we are sending people straight to an opt-in page, usually to a free report or checklist. We’ve gone straight to webinar, and our show-up rate isn’t as good.
So the webinar doesn’t work as well until you create some rapport, right?
We’ve found really great show-up rates on the Facebook Ads if they’ve clicked on the ad that day or the day before, but too much before that and it’ll be about 20% show up, compared to our client listeners, which is around 50-55%. For that reason when we go to webinar, we usually go to something else first, and make the webinar the “thank you” page strategy.”

You sent people to a video series, and then you changed that. You changed the link. Can you describe what you did?
I typically think the more value that I can give people the better. I sent people to this killer video course, but our conversion on the landing page was lower. I believe in part it is because people think will be valuable, but know they are going to have to sit through a bunch of video content to get the value. On our second video in the video series, there was a 27-point checklist with a 3×3 grid of some steps on how to run a webinar that sells really well and how to market it. It turned out that the checklist was a hotter offer than the video course. So, we just put that front and center and made the landing page just mail out the checklist. That page doubled our conversion rate, and in some cases almost tripled it. The video course was giving us around 11% conversion on the video course, depending on targeting; I think it ended up averaging around 28% for the checklist. People want it because the checklist is like a quick win or a magic pill, something that you can get big value from without having to work too hard for it.
And when you do a live event, like the one you just did this weekend, what percentage of the room came from Facebook Ads?
Yeah, so we just 58 people in the room this weekend. I’ll have to double-check. We had a few from a JV partner, we had a few from my email list, but in general, I’d say at least half came from FB, which is awesome. $200 ticket price, the ticket price wasn’t the big obstacle, the big obstacle was I’ve got to get to LA and take 2 days out of my life and maybe pay for accommodation. And in Santa Monica accommodation is worth way more than $200. So half of them came from FB ads. Upside, room nice and full, sold a bunch of stuff. The downside, we managed to attract a few people who aren’t my ideal just because of some of the likes and interests that you targeted. Just so you know, it cost us on average about $160-170 dollars to get somebody to pay $200, so we’re $30 up on our front-end sale. And then obviously we did really well yesterday.
Would you like to share any of that?
Including a few people who were there with a partner, we sold 18 at 18 grand, some at 15, so we made somewhere between $270-320k.
I typically think the more value that I can give people the better. Share on XThat’s great. And so for your ad campaign, what kind of retargeting have you been doing? Are you doing lookalike?
We’re doing a look-a-like audience on FB Ads. We take our client base, and upload them to Facebook. Facebook then looks for people who have six data points in common with our current clients. Then, we overlay that with the likes and interests that we are targeting, say “coaching and this person and that person”. This creates a much more targeted list who are almost certainly the right type of people. Obviously, we’ve done custom audience, and we’ve done a “look-a-like” to our prospect list as well. We targeted LA, California, west coast much heavier than we did the east coast because of travel time because we are driving people to a live event.
For the landing pages, are you using Leadpages?
We use Leadpages, I love it because you can get a page up quickly and test things out. If something works out really well, but you want a little more control over how it looks, you can take your page to a designer and say “I want this, but “Like us!”” or something. We’ve tested 4 different land page templates with probably 40 different designs, I’m not as techie as the average guy. There’s been something like 400 ad groups running.
And how are you running that? Are you using the split testing inside of LeadPages?
We’re doing a bunch of different things. We’re doing LeadPages for testing, and Improvely so we can track the funnel. All the way through including Facebook to the sell pages to a degree. Low conversion rate but it has been cash positive. The great thing about Leadpages is that you can say “I want an opt-in page” and then sort by conversion rate. The top 3 or 4 layouts are usually the ones we’ll pick. Then we split-test them against each other and run them for a few days until it is statistically 98% guaranteed to perform better or worse than the other. Then we just ditch the loser. We had a battle with our Facebook Ad guys, since they want to do what works, which is often ugly, and I wanted to do what works but also looks great. So it’s been team ugly vs. team pretty. And sometimes we came out 50/50. In that case, we say go with mine because it keeps my brand looking great, others came out that theirs was clearly the better option. The last converting landing page, I’m atrociously ashamed of, it’s like the ugliest thing I’ve seen in my life. It’s like a bright yellow background and some screenshots of my Facebook comments on stuff. It looks horrible.

Could you share an example of landing pages you drive people to?
Of course, if you go to milliondollarcoachintensive.com or coachmarketingmachine.com/milliondollarcoach.
You drive people to the home page as well? You just kind of test between these ones to see which performs best?
Yeah, we don’t really go straight to the homepage.
That doesn’t seem like a very good strategy.
We just drive straight to a specific offer, whether that be a webinar, an event, most of the time it’s just a squeeze page offering something cool.
Got it. Awesome. I really appreciate this fantastic sharing of information and thank you again. Folks, that was Taki Moore, Internet Marketing extraordinaire. He can be found online at Coachmarketingmachine.com, and sign up for his funnel. He’s got a 27-point webinar checklist, which I think you’ll find awesome. Then, you’ll get lots of videos, you’ll watch his webinar, next thing you know, I’ll see you at the next mastermind. Awesome. Take care!
Important Links
- Social eCommerce
- Taki Moore
- Facebook – Taki Moore
- Twitter – Taki Moore
- LinkedIn – Taki Moore
- Coach Marketing Machine
- Leadpages
- Improvely
Your List of Actions to Take
Create a great lead magnet with a “quick win” ideology, like a whitepaper or a checklist.
Test a few different content options. Would video best serve your audience or a document?
Figure out your goals for your Facebook Ads sales funnel.
Test out some high-conversion Leadpages that direct toward your goal.
Cut out the loser option that gets second best in your testing.
Once the user signs up, have the thank you page promote your upcoming webinar.
Once you have a list of opt-ins, try out a look-a-like audience with at least six data points in common.
Make sure that your Facebook Ads, not matter the efficacy of the style option, still coordinates with your branding.
Got a blog post you’re really proud of? You can use Facebook Ads to push to it and get a bunch of engagement going for it.
Continually test, keep with it, and see crazy conversion!
About Taki Moore
Taki Moore is regarded by many as the world’s #1 business & executive coach lead generation expert. He is the CEO and founder of Coach Marketing Machine.
Taki Moore achieves his success by creating success for others, and he does this by helping coaches start-up or reboot their coaching careers. His techniques mostly involve building a list of opt-ins directly from Facebook Ads, and he is a firm believer in testing, testing, testing, and then being able to drop the funnels that aren’t working for you, even if they were a big investment on the front end. He’s also a big advocate of making an investment for pushing out great content.
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