You’ve got to wrestle the bear to the ground every day. That was something that Fran Tarkenton once told my guest Jay Abraham, and it really speaks volumes, both on and off the field!
I’m so excited to have my dear friend and revered marketing guru, Jay Abraham, back on the show yet again. Jay and I always have such amazing conversations. In today’s episode, we talk life, parenting, relationships, entrepreneurialism, and how it really is about tackling the bear every day. In his many decades of experience, Jay has found that, for us humans, it all comes down to quantum physics — meaning, in your personal and professional life, you are either expanding or contracting. We discuss how leaning into your intuition in business can yield results you never would have expected. If you’re at all curious about how you can open your mind to go from incremental to exponential — coming from the guy who has been described as the $21.7 Billion Dollar Man — this is a must-listen episode. So, without any further ado, on with the show!

In This Episode
- [02:08] Jay Abraham recounts his personal growth and insights gained through participation in Dr. Barry Morguelan’s exclusive client group mastermind.
- [09:38] How can energy management principles be applied to various aspects of life, such as business, relationships, health, and career?
- [18:01] Stephan introduces the concept of the willing suspension of disbelief and probes Jay’s experiences with energy tapping.
- [26:05] Stephan shares his profound experience in the 40 Years of Zen Program and brings up the Sedona Method by Lester Levenson, which he and Jay discuss.
- [34:40] Jay talks about his to-do list and what he calls the bucket list bonanza.
- [37:23] Stephan and Jay delve into the idea of a Massively Transformative Purpose (MTP).
- [40:19] Jay reveals his own Massively Transformative Purpose (MTP).
Jay, it’s such a great pleasure to have you.
It is an equal pleasure to be on your podcast and a privilege to be in your scepter.
You’re in some other scepters, too, that are pretty interesting. For example, you’re in Dr. Barry Morguelan‘s private client group high-level mastermind. I think very highly of Doctor B. I’m curious to hear what your experiences have been. Any epiphanies or transformational things from that?
For people who don’t know him, he is arguably the preeminent grandmaster Chinese energy doctor in North America. He is not Chinese. He is an allopathic physician, but he spent half of his life up in the mountains with great-great-grandmasters in China, learning, mastering, and gaining an unimaginable understanding of the power of energy and how little we harness or harvest its profound capacity to propel so much of our life achievements at a much higher level. He’s someone that anybody who’s receptive to that should get to know.
I don’t have any economic interest in his business, but he’s got many accessible ways to get to know his work. But if you master it and diligently embrace it, it can elevate your achievement, invigorate the quality of your relationships, and expand your intellectual prowess. It has profound positive efficacy on your health and much more, and it gives you a connection to the world that is hard to explain but is very profound.
That’s great. What would be a specific example of how you harnessed that power of the quantum field and energy?
When I’m diligent, all kinds of positive occurrences manifest themselves.
Like anything else, you have to be diligent. When I’m diligent—I’m not always diligent—and I apply the practices and exercises, enormous things happen. All kinds of positive occurrences manifest themselves.
I’ve had experiences where various places and opportunities presented themselves unimaginably unexpectedly. Admittedly, they were quite significant, but it serendipitously tends to manifest that which is in your best interest at levels of attainment that are unimaginably lofty and stratospheric.
I’m being very abstract because you must experience it to know. So I’ll have to go into my memory, and it’ll take too long because I have to go back and jog myself, but suffice it to say that from my heart, he is somebody that is probably too many people’s benefit to get to know.
Even his basic body of work is worth anybody embracing. Everything from his relaxation to his breathing exercises and much more sophisticated $100,000 mastermind is profound. He’s a very powerful man on a mission and a crusade to transfer true knowledge.
The concept is this. Let me put it in its purest and simplest metaphoric way. If you think about it in its purest way, iconic people have been deemed forces of nature throughout our history—Mother Teresa, Joan of Arc, Buddha, and Tony Robbins.
What if they are not forces of nature? What if they have mastered the ability to harness forces in nature instead? What if they can harness forces, are always, and will always be available to anyone if they’re so inclined to take it?
The concept is that energy is all around us. It never goes away. Our whole being is driven and fueled by energy, not the energy I just took but real energy, which drives everything.
Our cellular structure and brain are driven by energy, and we can’t overdose on it. However, most people under-fill their tanks.
Our cellular structure and brain are driven, and we can’t overdose on it, but most people under-fill their tank. So Barry’s premise, which I believe to be true, is that there are a lot of receptors in our body that can take in a lot more energy and produce a lot more attainment, achievement, and helpfulness than we allow.
His analogy is you don’t understand how you take in from the sun vitamin C, D, or whatever you get, but those receptors for energy are the same. We think energy is what I just drank, but that outer periphery of the profound energy you can instill into your being. Think of your body, mind, and whole existence as a 4-cylinder, 2-liter engine or a 16-cylinder, 850-horsepower engine. And think about whether you’re running on alcohol or Nitro. Those are metaphoric differences.
That’s about as much as I can freeform, but hopefully, that gives you some context.
That’s great. I’m sure Doctor B will appreciate the nice plug. Of course, it wasn’t planned, but he is awesome and deserves it.
One thought that comes to mind as you’re talking is energy. The matter is just energy slowed own. You are dealing with energy everywhere.
It doesn’t go anywhere. It doesn’t disappear. You transfer it from one form to another. You must slow down, accept certain complexities, and embrace them, but it’s powerful.
How would you employ that energy management set of principles in, let’s say, a marketing business type of coaching engagement with a high-end client?
You’re asking some very intriguing questions. I haven’t thought about an answer, but if I were to think about it, you first allow yourself to slow down enough. There are many different forms. Breathing is one of them.

If you’re trying to deal with something, you try to figure out your goal. I’m a great believer—and maybe mixing answers—and I believe that your body, mind, and everything about you is designed to solve problems and attain opportunities, but we can’t do it if we don’t know the goal. But unfortunately, most people aren’t clear to themselves and their subconscious about what they’re trying to accomplish.
This is all interconnected, so if you want your subconscious to drive the super energy engine that is your capacity, I think you first have to get clarity on what you’re trying to get closer to or away from and why and make sure that you have clarity on it because if you don’t, you’re never going to optimize anything.
That’s the hardest for anybody. Whether you’re a consultant or the recipient, if you don’t know what you want, I don’t know what I’m trying to do for you, and I don’t know why, where, and how. You’ll never get the latter if you don’t get those first few distinctions. That’s probably the first part.
We are designed to solve problems and attain opportunities, but we can only achieve this through clear goals. Share on XThe second would be that a lot of it is about connectivity. Barry’s got what he calls the Great Eight. I haven’t visited for a long time, but there are these eight categories you want to achieve in everything you do. One is serendipity. One is working on your prowess as opposed to grit. Most people use grit, which is just working so hard.
He’s saying that it’s unnecessary when you allow the power of the energy to take over for you, but it’s not as metaphysical as it might seem. It all is tied together.
I go back and believe most people don’t have a clue what they’re trying to accomplish in any form of their life, business, career, job, relationship, body, and health, which is why they don’t or if they do accomplish something, it’s a fraction frequently of what is possible from the effort and time.
I haven’t thought about Barry’s worth that much in explaining it except to say with no uncertainty that it’s something that almost anybody would gain multiple facets of benefit from at levels they can’t imagine. They have to do it, but it’s like anything else.
Nothing in life is sustainable without reinvestment.
If you and I go to the gym, work our asses off today, never go again, and are frustrated because our bodies are flabby or fat, it’s hypocrisy. Nothing in life that I’ve ever embraced myself, observed, experienced, or been exposed to is sustainable without reinvestment. You can buy a property and have someone else manage it, which might be an exemption, but in most aspects of our lives, businesses, and careers, you must keep doing it.
There was a really interesting commentary that Fran Tarkenton, the football superstar, said a couple of years ago when he was speaking at one of my events. He said, “You got to wrestle the bear to the ground every day.”
The analogy is not that it’s that horrible, but you get up and do it. We get up in the morning and do our number in the bathroom. We have to take a shower if we believe in hygiene and cleanliness. We have to fuel our bodies, whether it’s liquid or solid. We need to fuel our brains with stimulation and enrichment. If we don’t, we can only go a certain period and start atrophying in all forms.
You expand or contract, and you grow or die.
Barry uses this analogy that everything is nothing more than quantum physics. You expand or contract, and you grow or die. So when you understand how to harness different powers in life—Barry is just one, but he’s certainly not the only one—it is a powerful force. Still, all these higher-performing mechanisms have always been available. Most people don’t even understand that they exist.
If I can allow that a little bit, I’m very fascinated. It’s not stuff that I always do. I’m always fascinated with how to get higher performance out of time, effort, opportunity, resources, access, human capital, intellectual capital, and relational capital. But all of life is about how you leverage performance. Performance can mean lots of things. Performance can mean your helpfulness and how your body, mind, and parenting performs. Whether it’s your relationship regarding love, romance, sexuality, contribution, or mutual growth, all of that is performance.
Yeah. The implications are far-reaching. If you can harness that energy and apply it to your business, relationship, health, family dynamics, or career, it doesn’t matter what it is; it will improve. On the other hand, it may not unfold how you were expecting or wanting.
It rarely does, but often, it exceeds your expectations. It’s interesting. An adage in business probably applies to our totality of life.
Most people never achieve their goals because they do not know how to fix themselves when they stray off course.
Most people in entrepreneurial businesses, the majority, never achieve their goals because they don’t have finite, reverse-engineered, clear-cut mental achievement or goals refined and defined by performance indices. Instead, they have these very abstract hopes and dreams, and there’s no clarity of how to get there, no measurement of where they’re progressing, and no self-intervention about how to correct if they’re off-direction. That’s true in every facet of our life.
Being precise with your goals and dreams is critical to know where you’re heading.
But also how to get there. There are strategic ways to shorten the timeline, mitigate the downside, and dramatically enhance fulfillment, whether psychic or financial. Unfortunately, most people don’t have a clue how to do that. There’s a tragedy there whether they apply it to a job, business, executive, or manager.
I enjoy that you’re getting into some interesting and more sophisticated but abstract categories. We can talk as abstractly as you like because you and I have an interesting dialogue. We should have a separate, The Esoteric Marketer.
That’s fun. Here’s something I learned that you’d enjoy learning about. I read about it last year—or maybe this year—in the book Mind to Matter by Dawson Church. Here’s the surprising thing. There’s a very slightly radioactive element called Americium-241. That’s actually what’s in smoke detectors. It’s harmless to us because the radiation can’t penetrate our skin. So that’s why it’s in smoke detectors, and we don’t have to worry about it.
There are strategic ways to dramatically enhance fulfillment, whether psychic or financial.
The funny thing about Americium-241’s decay rate is that it’s highly predictable. It doesn’t matter about extreme heat, strong magnets, or whatever it’s exposed to. The decay rate does not change except having a qigong or tai chi master sends his chi to the Americium-241.
What happens?
It changes the decay rate by up to 18%.
It slows it down. It doesn’t accelerate it.
I think it can do either, depending on how the t’ai chi master is sending the energy.
That’s interesting. What’s the implication lesson in that insight?
If you can change something that is seemingly beyond the laws of physics like this in a reproducible manner—scientifically validated, peer-reviewed validation—imagine what’s possible if you have the willing suspension of disbelief and try some things that might seem a little out-there, woo-woo, metaphysical, or esoteric. You have that willing suspension of disbelief long enough to try it and see its impact on your business and life.
I will give you a quick example. I love this example. It’s not from my life. It’s Vishen Lakhiani, another Barry Morguelan high-level mastermind client. You probably know Vishen. He shares how he founded Mindvalley. He made commission-only sales for a software-as-a-service company targeting law firms. He would dial for dollars. He was barely making a living doing this.
He went to a Silva Method Seminar and came back from it with this new insight that he could tap into the energy and get a sense of whether a prospect would buy or not. So instead of dialing A-Z in the phonebook of all the law firms, he would just pick the ones that he had this intuitive feeling about, and then he doubled his sales by doing that.
He did it again and doubled the sales just by doing this. Only calling those law firms that he felt this energetic pull towards. He doubled his sales yet again. He became a vice president at this company because he was so successful with sales by applying this technique. That’s cool. That’s how you can tap into that energy.
Life is about how you leverage performance. Share on XDo you have any examples where you’ve tapped into the energy and done something extraordinary that people would hear and say, I don’t even believe?
I’m not trying to be evasive. I probably do, and I’m enjoying this, but you’re asking me to go into a category I wasn’t mentally prepared for, so I have to think about it. The answer is unequivocal yes.
My life has been so replete with so many experiences. Unlike most people, I travel from one profound experience to another. They build up with such diversity that they just become almost obscure. I deal daily with 6–10 unrelated issues that I must focus on and be in the moment. Mostly, I dump out of my brain all of the references from yesterday, two days ago, or last week, and I have to spend some quality time sorting through them.
I dump all the references I gathered out of my brain and spend quality time sorting them.
I’m technophobic. I have 25,000 emails not sorted in my email accounts, so it doesn’t come up in a minute if I want anything. It takes a little while for me to find it. I don’t always have it organized by the right subject line or category, so it’s even more complicated.
It’s a metaphoric example of what you’re asking of me, and my brain isn’t responding. I don’t want to be frustrating. I have so many examples in my life, but none profoundly are coming to mind right now.
That’s okay. One thing I found about accessing memories, insights, and things like that is if I surrender and know that I’m a receiver like an FM tuner and if my vibration is high, then I’m tuned in to some high-quality radio stations, and then the stuff just comes to me.
I would agree with you. If you think about a radio receiver, it has to be set to receive. It’s not dissimilar to what I said earlier about Barry’s work. You have to go through certain processes with some regularity to get your mind in gear and capitalize on the available power.
It’s not dissimilar to memories. If you say, “tell me what you remember,” you go, “I don’t know what I remember.” But if I had a few days, weeks, or hours of a process you’re referring to, I would be eerily and continually bombarded with positive, negative, or fascinating memories from many facets of my life.

As I interact with people, watch something, read something, or drive down the boulevard, it triggers all kinds of historical memories that would be interesting, scary, and eerie. But it’s a fascinating process to experiment with.
Have you ever done Dave Asprey‘s 40 Years of Zen program?
No, I’ve been offered it many times. Have you done it?
I’ve done it, yeah.
Did you get a lot out of it?
It was profound. I did this about four or five years ago. I did it with my wife, Orion, and we both had profound insights that came to us. The best thing for me was having positive memories from my childhood because I didn’t have a very easy childhood.
But you found the positive ones within it.
Yeah. It unlocked some positive memories. For our listeners unfamiliar with the 40 Years of Zen program, that program is a week-long neurofeedback program that costs $15,000. It’s amazing.
He only does a handful of people at a time, right?
Right. There’ll be a pod, group, or cohort of 12 people.
I’ve known people who have done it—Barry did it—have said it’s quite profound. David has extended me the two or three times the offer, which I have not availed myself of.
You’re delving into the realm you probably talk about often, but there’s so much more than we acknowledge or embrace. There’s much more going on in the world than we see, feel, or grasp.
You’re right. Suppose you embrace, submit, or at least open your mind to examine, explore, try to understand, appreciate, and experiment safely. In that case, your life can be profoundly and unimaginably enriched.
I have nothing to gain. The scary, eerie, and negative are just in the pure quantity of methodologies, technologies, and philosophies that most people don’t even allow themselves to examine. It’s scary because so many deep thinkers have concentrated their lives and those of many before them on understanding, pursuing, and studying a finite element.
We are driven and fueled by energy. This energy leads us to achievement and success. Share on XMost people are not aware of it. They don’t know anything about it, yet that one thing could transform a big part of their lives. We talked that you can get 10%, 10%, and 10% which equals 30%, but 10% times 10% times 10% is 1000%.
Whether you’re expanding because you’re very evolved metaphysically or want to say, “wow, how much more could I be, achieve, enjoy, contribute, and experience.” For most of us, the extent of it is a vacation, watching something on Netflix, or going to the gym, which is a Pyrrhic victory compared to what might be possible if you explored alternative possibilities out there.
There’s a lot of stuff out there. One of the things that I always get a kick out of, I find it very metamorphic. Most have a car that has a key fob that has a battery in it. When that battery starts dying and won’t open the door, most people get very frustrated. This is weird, but if you put it next to your head and do it, it all works because all that electricity bombarding your brain gets transferred into the device and reinvigorates its power. But if you consider the fact, people wouldn’t think there’s all this electricity floating around in their brains and bodies.

That’s cool. I did not know about that, but it makes sense.
Try it next time. If your car door doesn’t open, point it next to your head, and it’ll work because there’s all this energy, electricity, and stuff circling us. I’m not that into it, but I’m not a disbeliever. I’ve experienced a lot. I’ve helped more spiritual and metaphysical. In my work, I’ve helped hundreds of experts in every form.
Years ago, I helped a guy named Lester Levenson, who had something called the release concept. I have helped more people in these areas than you can imagine. Most are not original when you learn about their work, methodologies, and technologies. All they are doing is organizing and articulating. They’re an emissary that is distilling that which has always existed.
I’m just looking up Lester Levenson. He’s the creator of The Sedona Method.
Long ago. I’ve been doing this for a long time.
I’ve heard a lot of good things about The Sedona Method.
A lot of the most powerful things are simplistic.
It’s simplistic, but it’s powerful. A lot of the most powerful things are simplistic. Barry is a really interesting guy. Barry helped all kinds of people. He helped Tony, many world-class athletes, Werner Erhard, and many people—a very interesting man. I love and acknowledge him. I’ve voiced him up on a pedestal, but he’s only one of many out there who have done similar work that most people don’t know about.
Yeah. We all stand on the shoulders of giants.
Indeed, yes.
Who’s somebody who comes to mind as a giant you’ve stood on your shoulders?
I don’t ever mean to disacknowledge my influences. Still, unlike most people, I’ve had an amazing amalgam of influences because I’ve helped over 300 A-category experts in my life, and none of them came to me for help with their expertise. Instead, they came for help commanding more reverence, distinction, and ability to make a tangible, quantify, or denominate, but I had to learn a distilled essence.
I’ve done Tony Robbins and Stephen R. Covey. There’s nothing wrong with it. It may be better, but most people have had one or two mentors, benefactors, or key influencers. I’ve had hundreds. I’ve had them not just in the United States. I’ve worked with very high-level people on a worldwide basis. I hung out for a while in the Shaolin Temple in China. That’s the origin of Kung fu. I hung out with the head priest for a while and had long dialogues. I’ve done all kinds of interesting things throughout my life.
That’s cool. Did you ever take martial arts?

I took it vicariously, watching my kids take it when they were young. I didn’t learn anything. Are you a martial artist?
No, it’s on my to-do list of things I want to do.
I have a lot of things on my to-do list. The first is to lose weight. I did a very good job of that, but then we got the holidays coming up, so it will be more challenging.
I have a philosophy that I call ‘the bucket list bonanza.’ I challenge people. Everybody theoretically has a bucket list. The bucket list has derivative applications. They have a business bucket list if they’re an entrepreneur, they have a prosperity bucket list, and they have a self-identity bucket list, whether it’s their prowess, handsomeness, beauty, romantic, sexual relations, or whatever their influence in the world is if they’re charitable or philanthropic.
You will throw out your current bucket list when you realize how much more is possible from time, effort, resources, interaction, and all that exists that we don’t know. Most people don’t even know what their bucket lists are. They’re very abstract. You’ll replace it with one far bolder, more daring, and audacious because that’s really what’s relevant.

A guy I liked died recently. Bob Proctor had a fabulous statement, and I borrowed it more generously than I should. I tried to acknowledge him, but sometimes I probably didn’t. He said most people in life struggle with a very inappropriate, wrong, blatantly incorrect question. It’s, “am I worthy of the goal?” We all have goals, which are called aspirations, targets, or desires, and those are our goals. It can be in all forms of our life.
We say, “am I worthy? Am I ever able to achieve, sustain, come close to, and exceed it?” He says when you realize how much more is achievable, possible, attainable, and over-attainable from the same thing, time, effort, opportunity, energy, relationships, discipline, capacity, and exercise—not just physical exercise but discipline—the right question to ask is never am I worthy of the goal? It’s the opposite. Is the goal worthy of me? That’s a profound question to contemplate.
That’s great. I love that. Is the goal worthy of me?
One thing I got out of Abundance360, the program by Peter Diamandis, is the concept of the moonshot and MTP, which stands for a massively transformative purpose.
Let me blow your mind with the realization that most people don’t even know. It’s not out of alignment. It’s not an ADD diversion. I’m not diminishing Peter. He’s got the knowledge and technological understanding that makes me look like an idiot, but all these people talk about exponential performance or growth.
If you study mathematics, you will find that exponentiation is way down on the totem pole. Five gradients above it of achievement mathematically are given, known, and attainable. It’s called hyper-operationalizing. They are tetration, heptation, octation, and pentation—out of order. There are five of them.
When you realize that you can perform many, many gradients above even exponential for anyone to allow anything, this is hypocrisy. I’m telling you, I want to lose weight. If I wanted to lose weight, I’d be doing it. We do, or we don’t. But you can achieve outcomes far above exponential. Why would you allow yourself to operate in what I call the incremental zone in any facet of life when that is possible? There is a provocative cliffhanger, which may be a good basis for stopping our conversation.
It reminds me of something I recently heard at the Genius Network Annual Event, which is 10X is easier than 2X.
Being national or international is easier now with the Internet and virtual than being local. It’s far more profitable. If you’re talking about business and life, there are many metaphoric and analogy equivalents.
It’s an interesting conversation. You’re taking me into philosophically enriching land and territory that I hadn’t thought about for a long time. Thank you for that.
Once you understand how to harness your powers, nothing is impossible. Share on XDo you have a massive transformational purpose or MTP?
The answer is yes and no. Frankly, without sounding arrogant or condescending, the last 45 years of my life were on a crusade and a mission. I never really started out trying and caring to make money.
I’ve been relatively successful, but my purpose was always to observe business owners more entrepreneurial than corporate, investing life’s hopes, dreams, effort, resources, and psyche and accepting a fraction of the outcome, rewards, fulfillment, satisfaction, and contribution.
I was always on a worldwide mission for the last 45 years to right those wrongs and liberated people from the yoke of limited and oppressive unsatisfying existence. I did a relatively good job.
I’d rather be thought of as a masterful thinking partner for people who need a lot of very complex thinking.
I have to think about my bigger, more audacious, hairy purpose today. I’m shifting a lot because I’m older than some but not as old as others. We’re more interested now in getting involved in businesses and growing them significantly.
I have many other things in my life that fascinates me. I like the human condition and all kinds of human beings. I fascinate by interacting with them at any level, and I’m always curious about how every man or woman sees life and what’s going on, defines things, refers to something, and relates to things.
Most people don’t care about that, but if you don’t, you’re missing a huge benefit because the more you understand the composite of the world driving your life, the more powerful, positive, and healthy you are. Benevolent (not malevolent) power is the advantage you want. So the goal of life, without sounding usurious, what you want in your life is to gain the maximum ethical advantage you can in everything you do with everyone you do it.
You don’t ever want to take advantage, and you don’t ever want to be covert, surreptitious, and disrespectful, but I think that I probably—more at this point in my life—like making money. I’m tired of doing seminars and training, and I don’t like even being categorized as an information marketer. I probably would rather be thought of as a masterful thinking partner for people who need a lot of very complex thinking.
I like very complex Gordian knots that need to be untangled. But, still, at this point in my life, more than anything, I love talking to anybody about anything and learning how they see their life, hopes, dreams, values, goals, and interpretation because those are the people that drive everything we do. They’re the clients we serve. They’re the people that are serving our competitors. They’re the people that work for our vendors. They’re the people we live next to and work with.
The more you understand how people think, respect and appreciate their values, the more powerful you become.
The more you understand how they think and their values and respect and appreciate them, the more powerful you are. Whether you like it or not, you either have power or weakness. There’s nothing negative about qualitative ethical power, just like you talked about Barry. It’s a form of energy.
I have a book recommendation for you if you haven’t read it. It’s by Dr. David Hawkins, called Power vs. Force.
I’d like to. I have not, but I will. That’s very good. Thank you for that.
I guess the last piece here is to send our listener or viewer to your best stuff which would be, I think, on your website.
I work with larger entrepreneurs now, so I don’t sell much stuff. I got a lot of goodies we give away. We’re getting ready to change our website and shift more towards a more focused element that I’m doing. Right now, we give away more stuff than I should. We give away 800 or so resources, and we only mandate that they give us an opt-in.
They go to There’s a lot of good stuff there. There are many videos on the Internet on YouTube and things I don’t pay much attention to.
You’re awesome, Jay. Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re doing such a wonderful service to humanity, helping us to grow and evolve.
Tell my wife because she said, “did you take out the garbage? Did you change the light? Did you do this?” I go, “that’s not what I do. I’m doing all this stuff for humanity.”
All right, thank you.
You’re awesome. Thank you, Jay, and thank you, listener. I’m your host, Stephan Spencer, signing off.
Important Links
Connect with Jay Abraham
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Your Checklist of Actions to Take
Aim to live a pure, meaningful life. Steer clear of superficiality and purposefully live in service to others.
Pursue diligence and earnestness. Persistence and hard work is not easy, but will eventually create impressive achievements. Persistence helps me achieve my goals and positively impacts my image.
Slow down and embrace life’s complexities. This will help me find patience and acceptance. It also hones gratitude for even my small achievements.
Clearly and precisely understand my goals and dreams. Become hyper aware of my path and optimize the maximum potential of my subconscious.
Act on my dreams. Plan to achieve my goals and consistently work to accomplish them. Over time, I can make my dreams a reality.
Develop an open-minded attitude. Challenge my beliefs and consider new ideas to gain fresh insights and teach me new things about the world and about myself.
Don’t take advantage of others. Always consider my impact on others. Refrain from intentionally hurtful actions.
Understand what’s happening in the world and in my local community. If I know the issues people face, it will be easier to develop local and global solutions.
Collaborate with others. Have a sense of community. Believe in the power of human ingenuity.
Check out Jay Abraham’s website to access his free content resources and to learn more about his legendary, wise life and marketing advice.
About Jay Abraham
Jay Abraham The 21.7 Billion Dollar Man & Highest Paid Marketing Consultant: a proven business leader and top executive coach in the United States.
As Founder and CEO of The Abraham Group, Jay has spent his entire career solving complex problems and fixing underperforming businesses. He has significantly increased the bottom lines of over 10,000 clients in more than 1,000 industries, and over 7,200 sub industries, worldwide. Jay has dealt with virtually every type of business scenario and issue. He has studied, and solved, almost every type of business question, challenge, and opportunity.
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